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Pricing overview

Monsoon Marketplace provides fast, competitive repricing any time one of the 20 lowest offers for an item you sell changes price.


Monsoon Marketplace pricing services integrate with Amazon Subscriptions API notifications to provide fast, competitive repricing anytime one of the 20 lowest offers for an item you sell changes price.

What is a Subscriptions API notification?

A notification is a list of the 20 lowest price offer listings in the same condition group as an item that you sell. Amazon packages notifications into four different condition groups: New, Used (Like New, Very Good, Good, and Acceptable), Collectible (Like New, Very Good, Good, and Acceptable), and Refurbished.

Depending on how your system is set up, notifications can either be pushed directly to your system (the fastest repricing option) or retrieved from a Monsoon Marketplace service that stores notifications for you.

What kind of information does Amazon include in a notification?

In a notification, Amazon includes the following details about the 20 lowest price offer listings in the same condition group as your item:

In addition to the 20 lowest price offers, Amazon may include the lowest price offer for a different condition group. For example, Amazon typically includes the lowest price New offer in a list of the lowest price Used condition offers. When Amazon includes that lowest price New condition offer, it sends only the following details:

What triggers Amazon to send a notification?

Amazon sends a notification any time one of the 20 lowest offers for an item changes price. It also sends a notification when there's a change to the list of sellers with the 20 lowest offers (for example, when one seller drops off the list and a new seller enters).

How does Monsoon Marketplace price an item that you've never listed before or that you're relisting?

Amazon sends notifications for listed (active) items only.

If you're listing an item for the first time or relisting an item after a period of inactivity, your system checks a Monsoon Marketplace service to see if a notification is available for your item.

If no notification is available, your system checks an alternate Amazon service that provides a limited set of details about lowest price offers. If your item prices using this information:

If the alternate Amazon service can't send any details about the lowest price offers, Monsoon Marketplace prices your item according to the steps in Pricing when there are no competitive listings.

Important things to remember

Some important things to remember as you set up your inventory groups and price settings:

Pricing articles

Amazon base price

Amazon Buy Box overview

Cost of goods

Currency conversion and international market pricing

Custom pricing strategies

Default price

Default pricing strategies

Fixed price

How eBay pricing works

Ignored competitors

Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)

My Price

Price ceilings

Price floor

Price Floor Modifier

Pricing history


Profit mode

Repricing interval

Shipping surcharges by marketplace

To add an Amazon Buy Box pricing strategy

To add a custom pricing strategy

To add an inventory pricing group

To see how an item priced (view pricing history)

To set a price floor

To set Cost of Goods at the inventory group level

To set Cost of Goods at the item level

To set Price Floor Modifier by inventory group and market

To set Profit at the inventory group level

To set Profit at the item level

To view a price floor by item and market


You are here: Pricing overview

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