You are here: Pricing inventory > Default pricing strategies

Default pricing strategies

In addition to using custom or Buy Box pricing strategies, you can use one of the four default strategies available in Monsoon Marketplace.


When you set up your inventory group pricing, you can select from four default pricing strategies located on the Settings tab under Custom Strategies. The default strategies, displayed in green text in the price strategy box, are Lowest Price, Average of Lowest 3, Average of Lowest 5, and Fixed Price. These strategies are locked (can't be edited) and cover a range of selling approaches, from aggressive to conservative.

Note  Consistent with other settings that can be set at both the item level and group level, a price strategy set at the item level (on the My Inventory or Inventory Receiving tab) overrides a price set at the group level (on the Settings tab under Inventory Pricing).


Amazon target price

Before making any pricing calculations, Monsoon Marketplace first identifies an Amazon competitive offer listing (or average of competitive offer listings) according to the settings in your default, custom, or Buy Box pricing strategy. Your system then uses this offer as your target price.

If your pricing strategy is set up to price at the average of competitive offers, the average of competitive offers is used as your target price.

Competitive offer listing

Monsoon Marketplace uses Amazon's Subscriptions API notifications to provide fast, competitive repricing anytime one of the 20 lowest offers for an item you sell changes price.

A competitive offer listing is one that matches the criteria you've set up in your pricing strategy and is not sold by one of your ignored competitors. The competitive offer that's used to price your item is selected from the 20 lowest offers in an Amazon notification.

Read more about offer listings in the Amazon Help article The Offer Listing Page.


Monsoon supports the following Amazon condition groups: New, Used (Like New, Very Good, Good, and Acceptable), Collectible (Like New, Very Good, Good, and Acceptable), and Refurbished.

Notification (Amazon Subscriptions API notification)

A notification is a list of the 20 lowest price offer listings in the same condition group as an item that you sell. Notifications are sent for four different condition groups: New, Used (Like New, Very Good, Good, Acceptable), Collectible (Like New, Very Good, Good, Acceptable), and Refurbished.

Lowest Price

When the Lowest Price strategy is applied, you price against the lowest price in a filtered list of offers in the same condition group as your item: New, Used, Collectible, or Refurbished. The lowest price is known as the target price.

Average of Lowest 3

When the Average of Lowest 3 strategy is applied, you price against the average of the three lowest competitive offer listings in a filtered list of offers in the same condition group as your item: New, Used, Collectible, or Refurbished.

Average of Lowest 5

When the Average of Lowest 5 strategy is applied, you price against the average of the five lowest competitive offer listings in a filtered list of offers in the same condition group as your item: New, Used, Collectible, or Refurbished.

Fixed Price

When the Fixed Price strategy is applied, your inventory does not dynamically reprice or interact with any market data such as Amazon Low Price.

See also

Amazon Buy Box overview

Custom pricing strategies

Pricing overview


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