Amazon Sales Rank

Amazon Best Sellers Rank, displayed as Sales Rank or Market Rank in Monsoon Marketplace, is Amazon's indicator of how well a product is selling in a particular category.


An item's sales rank is a good indicator of its popularity and how quickly you can expect to turn your stock.

From About Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

The Amazon Best Sellers calculation is based on sales and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical sales of every item sold on

The number that displays on the My Inventory and Inventory Receiving tabs is the most recent sales rank received from Amazon for an item's top-level product category. A top-level category is the most general category for an item such as Office Products or Pet Supplies.

Monsoon Marketplace retrieves sales rank from the most recent notification used to price an item. If a notification isn't available, your system will check an alternate Amazon service to see if sales rank information is available.

If Unranked displays in the Sales Rank box on the My Inventory or Inventory Receiving tabs, it can mean that an item is so new that Amazon hasn't set a sales rank yet or that the item hasn't sold for a certain period of time. During receiving, it can also mean that sales rank information is currently unavailable from Amazon.

You can use sales rank:

If you want to work with sales rank figures outside of Monsoon Marketplace, you can export an item's sales rank under the column heading AmazonSalesRank in a custom export template or from the File menu.



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