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AbeBooks Overview

AbeBooks is an online marketplace for sellers of new and used books, rare and collectible titles, and textbooks.

When you sell through AbeBooks, your books list on six sites dedicated to North America, the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. For more information about selling on AbeBooks, see the AbeBooks website.

Before you enable AbeBooks, you need to create an AbeBooks account and set up FTP order processing. Then you can enable the AbeBooks market in Monsoon Marketplace and configure settings. For more information, see Setting Up AbeBooks.

Later, to stop selling on AbeBooks, you first need to contact AbeBooks customer support to let them know to expect a purge request, and then you can delist and disable using options in Monsoon Marketplace. For more information, see Delisting and Disabling AbeBooks.

The following Monsoon Marketplace category is supported on AbeBooks:

See also


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