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On the Settings tab under Markets, you can configure each market supported by Monsoon to upload inventory, download orders, and process shipments according to your business needs.

You can configure your listing rules to list specific items on each market or to sell a product on multiple markets at the same time. If you list an item on multiple markets at the same time, the sold item listing is removed from all markets within the hour.

Markets supported by Monsoon

Monsoon supports the following markets:

Markets that charge buyers when you confirm shipment

The following markets charge buyers when you confirm that an order has shipped:

See Processing orders for complete information on processing orders for these markets.

Markets that charge buyers when they place an order

The following markets charge buyers when they place an order:

See Processing orders for complete information on processing orders for these markets.

Amazon home market

Monsoon currently supports three home markets—Amazon US for US-based sellers, Amazon UK for UK-based sellers, and Amazon CA for Canada-based sellers.

Your home market in Monsoon determines a number of key features.

Home market determines:

Note  When you install Monsoon on your primary computer, your home market is set based on your Microsoft Windows region. It it not possible to change your home market after installation without uninstalling then reinstalling Monsoon software and databases on a system with a different Windows region.

To learn more about your Amazon home market, see also Amazon US, UK, FR, DE, IT, ES, CA.


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