On the Orders tab, you can view all of an order's details. For example, if a market reports sales tax collected for an order, the amount displays under Order details in the Total Tax box and under Order items in the Tax box.
In addition to viewing order details, you can also edit the following details:
* If your system integrates with Endicia DAZzle, DAZzle automatically updates an order's actual postage and tracking number in Monsoon Marketplace after you print postage.
Status indicates an order's progress through the order fulfillment process. Status can also indicate when there is a problem with an order. As you move an order through the fulfillment process, your system automatically updates its status.
Let's take a look at each order status and its definition.
The order is ready for processing.
The Print button has been clicked to print a packing slip.
The Ship button has been clicked to ship the order.
If your system integrates with Endicia DAZzle, you can click Print Postage and select the Mark these orders as shipped check box to move an order from New to Shipped status.
Partial shipped
The Ship button has been clicked to ship the order, but the full order quantity could not be fulfilled.
An order in Partial Shipped status may require you to submit a refund at the time you ship. For example, if you decrease the quantity of an Alibris, AbeBooks, eBay, or Half.com order you're prompted to submit a refund at the time you ship. Shipping partial Amazon and Rakuten.com Shopping orders works differently. When you ship a partial Rakuten.com Shopping order, the market automatically cancels unfulfilled items and only charges buyers for the items that actually ship. When you ship a partially fulfilled Amazon order, the market charges the buyer the compete order amount so you need to submit separate refund transaction for any unfulfilled items.
The Refund button has been clicked and a partial or full refund has been submitted to the market.
When an AbeBooks or Alibris order downloads and the order (or order items) can't be fulfilled, the order (or order items) automatically cancels and a refund is submitted to the market.
The Cancel button has been clicked to cancel or the order was automatically cancelled because no quantity was available to fulfill the order at the time the order downloaded.
When an AbeBooks or Alibris order downloads and the order (or order items) can't be fulfilled, the order (or order items) automatically cancels and a refund is submitted to the market.
An order in In Process status means that Amazon has started to process the order, but has not yet confirmed that the order has shipped.
For information about FBA and Multi-channel Fulfillment orders, please see Fulfillment by Amazon.
There are two types of order status that are unique to eBay: Unpaid and Response Required.
If you see orders in Unpaid status (rather than New), the Require Immediate Payment check box is not selected on your Settings tab under eBay Shipping Rules. When you don't require immediate payment, you can offer a combined shipping discount for multiple line item orders that are paid for in a single payment transaction.
When an order is in Unpaid status and you or the buyer file a dispute through the eBay Resolution Center, the order items remain unlisted until the order is resolved through the eBay dispute process.
Monsoon Marketplace can automatically manage disputed orders according to your selections on the Settings tab under eBay General. See To enable eBay and configure market settings.
When you or a buyer opens a dispute in the eBay Resolution Center and you or the buyer file a response, the status of an order moves from Unpaid to Response Required. When you open the dispute, the buyer has a minimum of 7 days to respond.
If a buyer pays for a Response Required order, the status of the order changes to New and you can process the order as usual. If a buyer doesn't pay for a Response Required order, you can manually cancel the order in Monsoon Marketplace and close the dispute on your eBay seller account.
On the Orders tab, you can browse for an order or create a filtered list of orders using any combination of order status, shipping method, and market.
In addition to using the Browse feature to create a filtered list of orders, you can sort an order list by clicking an order detail column header.
You can click more than one column header to create a list sorted by more than one order detail. For example, you can create a list of new orders sorted by market and shipping method. After you create your sorted list, you can click the Order Number column header to reset the order list sort order.
If you want to search for a specific order, you can use the Search feature to locate an order by ASIN, buyer name, buyer email address, FNSKU, ISBN, locator code, market order ID, Monsoon Marketplace order number, ship to name, SKU, title, or UPC.
You can use multiple selection to quickly print and ship a batch of orders.
If you don't want to select all orders displayed on the orders tab, you can use multiple selection to select specific orders.
There are a few restrictions to using multiple selection:
If quantity isn't available to completely fulfill an order at the time it downloads, your system automatically marks the order as a problem order and changes its text color from black (regular) to red (problem).
Your system also marks an order as a problem order when you manually reduce an order item's shipped quantity. Shipped quantity is the quantity you will actually ship.
For multi-item AbeBooks and Alibris orders, an order item automatically cancels when stock is unavailable at the time the order downloads. If there are other items that can be fulfilled, the order displays as a problem order.
If you receive a problem order from a market that doesn't charge buyers until their orders ship, you can increase an item's shipped quantity to match its ordered quantity. For example, you can increase the shipped quantity for an Amazon order, but you can't increase the shipped quantity for Alibris and AbeBooks orders.
When you increase an order's shipped quantity to match its ordered quantity, your system no longer marks the order as a problem order and changes its text from red to black.
If you manually add shipped quantity to a problem order, be sure to manually adjust the item's quantity on the My Inventory tab.
Monsoon Marketplace comes with a default packing slip that automatically prints in the order you select on the Settings tab.
If you need to reprint a packing slip, you can reprint one, multiple, or the last group printed.
If your system integrates with Endicia DAZzle, please see To print postage.
You can ship a fully fulfilled order in New or Printed status.
At the time you ship, Monsoon Marketplace moves the status of the order from New or Printed to Shipped and uploads a shipping confirmation to the market. It also sends an automatic shipping confirmation email to buyers for those markets that allow it.
You can ship a partially fulfilled order in New or Printed status.
At the time you ship, Monsoon Marketplace moves the status of the order from New or Printed to Shipped and uploads a shipping confirmation to the market. It also sends an automatic shipping confirmation email to buyers for those markets that allow it.
When you ship a partially fulfilled Amazon order, the market charges your buyer for the full amount of the order. After you ship the order, you need to submit a separate refund for the unfulfilled items. When you ship a partially fulfilled Rakuten.com Shopping order, the market only charges your buyer for the items you actually ship so no refund is necessary. When you ship partially fulfilled Alibris or AbeBooks orders, if you decrease the shipped quantity of one or more order items, you'll be prompted to refund the unshipped items when you click Ship.
When you ship partially fulfilled eBay US and eBay UK orders, you'll be prompted to submit a refund when you click Ship, but you can also choose to submit a refund at a later time.
You can cancel an order in New or Printed status. An order in Shipped status must be refunded.
At the time you cancel an order, Monsoon Marketplace moves the status of the order from New or Printed to Cancelled and uploads a cancellation confirmation to the market. It also sends an automatic cancellation email to buyers for those markets that allow it. If the customer has already been charged for the order, you'll be prompted to submit a refund.
Alibris and AbeBooks are markets that charge buyers at the time they place an order. When you cancel an order from one of these markets, you'll be prompted to immediately refund the order or order item.
For eBay US and eBay UK, also markets that charge buyers at the time they place an order, you'll be prompted to choose between refunding an order now or at a later date. See To authorize PayPal refunds for eBay.
You can refund an order that's in Shipped status.
Refunds for partially shipped Amazon orders work differently than for other markets. After you ship an order, you need to create a separate transaction that refunds any unfulfilled items.
You can submit one refund per order through Monsoon Marketplace. If you refund an order item through Monsoon Marketplace and then need to refund another order item, submit the second refund directly on your seller account.
For Amazon refunds, if you click Refund and an error displays that a receipt was not received from the market, sign in to your Amazon seller account to check the status of the refund. If you confirm that Amazon didn't process the refund, submit the refund directly on your Amazon seller account.
Alibris order types and packing slips
Endicia DAZzle shipping integration overview
To authorize PayPal refunds for eBay
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