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My Company Overview

Initial Setup

When you first activate Monsoon Marketplace, some basic settings will be configured for your company, and for overall inventory management, using the setup wizard. These settings can be updated using the options on the Settings tab, by clicking the My Company folder.

My Company overview

Configuring Users, Roles, and Permissions

Defining roles and limiting access to your software using permissions helps you to keep your software working right, and your employees focused on just the areas of the product they need to complete their tasks.

Roles & Permissions

Monsoon Marketplace allows you to control access to all aspects of your software. You do this by creating roles and assigning user permissions to these roles. Roles may then be assigned to specific users

Users settings overview

A role defines what sort of work a user is able to do in Monsoon Marketplace. Roles define the amount of access a user has to features. For example, you could create roles and assign permissions as follows:

Table 1: Explanation of User Permissions

Permissions Definition
Inventory Management Full access to the My Inventory tab, except for item pricing features.
Receiving Full access to the Inventory Receiving tab, except for item pricing features.
Rapid Receiving (for Monsoon Marketplace with Warehouse Tools)

Access to the Rapid Receiving dialog.

Users may not use this permission if they have also been assigned Receiving permissions. Receiving permissions supercedes Rapid Receiving permissions.

Bulk Edit Access to the bulk edit feature, except for item pricing features.
Import/Export Access to the import and export features.
Basic Admin Access to all areas, except for the Users page.
Advanced Admin Full access to all features.
Inventory Pricing Access to all pricing features.
Manage Orders Access to the Orders tab, except refunds features.
View Reports Access to the Reports tab.
Issue Refunds Enables the user to issue order refunds.
Ship Problem Orders and Cancel/Refund Orders Enables the user to ship problem orders and cancel and/or refund orders.
View Event Viewer Enables the user to view the Event Viewer tab.


Users are the people who will be accessing Monsoon Marketplace features and functionality. Every person who uses the software should be assigned a user name and password. As part of this, each User Name should be assigned one or more roles that corresponds to the parts they play in your business.

User add dialog

Create a role

Only a user with Advanced Admin access can create roles in Monsoon Marketplace.

  1. Click Add next to the Roles list.
  2. Enter a name for the new role.
  3. Click Edit under the Permissions column next to your new role.
  4. In the Role Permissions Editor, check all of the permissions you want to give to this new role.
  5. When you are finished adding permissions, click OK to save your changes.

Permissions may be added and removed from Roles at any time by disabling and enabling items in the Role Permissions Editor.

Remove a role

  1. Click the name of the role in your Roles list.
  2. Click Remove .
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the Role by clicking Yes.
Remove Role

Create a user

  1. Click the Add button next to the Users list.
  2. Enter the user name of your new user.
  3. Enter a password for the user.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Roles may be added and removed from users at any time by disabling and enabling items in the User Roles Editor.

Remove a user

  1. Click the name of the user.
  2. Click Remove.
  3. Confirm that you want to remove the user by clicking Yes.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Whenever you make changes to any part of the Users settings, be sure to click OK at the bottom of the window to save your changes.

General Preferences

Software Update Preferences

As part of its regular maintenance, Monsoon Marketplace checks for updates to download and install on your system.

Under Software Update Preference, you can pick the of time of day that works best for these periodic updates.

General Preferences: Software update time

Default Shipping Carrier

This feature applies to the following markets only:

Use the drop-down menu to choose your Default Shipping Carrier.

General Preferences: Default shipping carrier

The Default Shipping Carrier will appear on the Orders tab for Amazon and Data Exchange orders. This setting may be manually overridden on an order-by-order basis.


The physical address information that appears in the Address settings will appear on your packing slip.

Note:If you have a different physical shipping address for returned items — or for shipping in general — that address should go here.
Address settings

Except for the Address 2 field, you must provide an address on this page. This is because certain markets will not let you publish without an address.

This information will appear the same on all of your packing slips, no matter what the source of the order.

Company Email Address and Contact Information

Your business identity and email address may be entered separately for each online market you have enabled in Monsoon

For more information, see Markets.


See Classifications and classification notes.

Smart Classifications

See Smart classifications.

Email Options

Monsoon can manage sending shipment notifications and cancellation notifications to your customers.

These emails will be sent whenever you set an order to Shipped, Partial Shipped or Canceled status.


The Email Options settings allow you to enable and configure these email notifications.

Automatic email notifications (US, UK, FR, DE, CA)

Monsoon does not send automatic email notifications to Amazon, Alibris,, and Shopping in accordance with market policy.

Amazon, Alibris,, and Shopping each manage the following routine email notifications as part of the market's standard workflow:

For non-routine email communication with your customers, Monsoon default and custom email templates are available to use.

Email Templates

Monsoon ships with a default set of email templates. But you have many options for customizing how they look and what they tell your customers.

You initially have three email templates for each enabled marketplace that supports email functionality:

You may customize these templates by altering the text in the content window.

See how to Back-up Email Templates

Customizing your Email Templates

By typing the text you want in the Subject and Content windows, you can send any automated email message that you like.


You also have the option to insert Special Tokens into your email templates.

These Special Tokens will dynamically change for every order, filling in specific information such as:

See how to Insert a Special Token {n} Into Email Text

Using Email Templates in Manual Mode

Customized Email Templates may be used when sending Manual Order Emails.

For more information, see Manual Order Emails.

Insert a Special Token {n} Into Email Text

Position your cursor at the point in your text where you would like your token to appear.

Using your mouse, select your Special Token from the Insert Special Token drop down menu at the top of the window.

Note:When using Special Tokens, be sure that you do not change anything within the {brackets}.

If you do change these fields then the Special Token will no longer work.


How To:   Enable Automated Email

  1. Go to SettingsMy Company > Email Options to turn automatic order emails on and off.
  2. Enable by checking the Send automatic order emails box. Disable by clearing the checkbox.

Automatic email notifications (US, UK, FR, DE, CA)

Monsoon does not send automatic email notifications to Amazon, Alibris,, and policy in accordance with market policy.

Amazon, Alibris,, and each manage the following routine email notifications as part of the market's standard workflow:

For non-routine email communication with your customers, Monsoon default and custom email templates are available to use.

Send BCC Email

If you would like Monsoon to BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) an address with the emails it sends:

Back up Email Templates

You can back up your email templates to keep other versions or for disaster recovery.

  1. Select the email template you wish to back-up using the drop-down menu.
  2. Copy and paste the existing email text into another program such as Notepad.
  3. Save that text to a location where you will remember in case you need to use it later.

Adding Additional Email Templates

You may create additional email templates in the Email Options settings.


Additional email templates may prove useful for servicing Custom Markets customers, or for handling recurring Customer Service issues.

Semi-Automated Email Option

You may also manually manage your email from the Orders settings. For more information, see Manual Order Emails.

How To:   Create Additional Email Templates

  1. Click Add Template.
  2. Type in a Name for your new template.
  3. New email templates default to ìall markets.î
  4. Enable the Subject and Content fields for your Custom Template by checking the Custom Template box.
  5. Enter a subject for your new email template.
  6. Enter a message content for your email template.
  7. When you are satisfied with your new email template, click OK to save your changes.

Frequently-Used Notes

A Frequently Used Note is a generic item description that you may want to use for many different items. This saves you the time of retyping a common note that you use frequently.

By configuring a variety of Frequently Used Notes, you will have a list of ready-made statements that you can attach to any inventory item you receive.


Frequently Used Notes appear as Item Notes on each inventory item they are attached to.

Here are some examples of useful notes:

Managing Frequently Used Notes

Your Frequently Used Notes are always created from the Frequently Used Notes settings.

Once they appear in your Frequently Used Notes list, you will have easy access to them when receiving items or managing inventory.

How To:   Create Frequently Used Notes

To create a list of ready made statements that you can attach to each inventory item you receive

Go to SettingsMy Company > Frequently-Used Notes.

Enter each new inventory note you wish to have available here.

  1. To create a new note, click Add and type your note — one line only — in the space that appears.
  2. Click OK to save your note.

Your new note will now appear on your drop-down list of notes whenever you receive an item or look up inventory.

Edit any existing notes by clicking on the line and typing in your changes.

Endicia Options

See Endicia DAZzle shipping integration overview.

Locator codes and locator slips

See Locator codes and locator slips.

User Data

Monsoonís Data Exchange feature allows you to integrate Monsoon with non-Monsoon systems.

In some cases, a non-Monsoon system will require that Monsoon take in key information to pass back to the non-Monsoon system, but which is not necessary to the functioning of Monsoon.


To name your UserData fields, simply type your desired field name alongside the appropriate UserData field.

Click OK to save your changes.

Note:The items in the Trait column appear grayed-out because that column cannot be edited.

To make your User Data fields visible in the My Inventory and Receive Items settings, check the Make Visible boxes beside each Trait you would like to see appear.

Packing Slips

Packing Slips can be used to pick, pack, and create mailing labels.

Packing Slip Sort Order

Any orders which you select to Print in the Orders tab will be sorted according to the selection you make in this section.

Note:Whenever an order contains multiple items, the packing slip will be sorted in terms of only one of the items in the order.
Packing Slips Settings

Sort Order Options

Note:The term Title stands for the name of the item, whether or not the item is a book, CD, DVD or hand tool.

For example, the Title of a 10-inch circular saw might be ì10-inch circular saw." If Artist or Author does not exist for an item, these characteristics will be skipped in the sorting process.

Item Notes

You can configure Monsoon to print a sku's Note field on your packing slips by selecting the "Print item notes on packing slips" option.

Customizing Your Packing Slips

You can customize your packing slip to tailor it to your business and your buyers.

Many aspects of your packing slip are customizable such as:

You can add information about the items in an order, such as the binding, quantity, and locator codes, to your packing slip. To add this information to your packing slip, contact Monsoon Customer Support.

You can customize packing slips for the following marketplaces:

You cannot customize packing slips for the following marketplaces:

Customize a Packing Slip

  1. Download a packing slip template.
  2. Open the packing slip template in a Rich Text Format (RTF) editor such as Microsoft Word.
  3. Similar to your email notification tokens, you may re-arrange data elements as you see fit.
  4. Save your changes as an rtf file to a location where all of your order processing stations will be able to access it.
Note: Each of your customized packing slips must be named correctly for the market(s) that they serve.

For Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon CA, Amazon FR, Amazon DE, eBay US and UK, and (all of these markets utilize the same packing slip template), save your packing slip file as packingSlip.rtf.

  1. Go to Settings > Packing Slips and enter the pathway to your customized Packing Slips. You must do this for each of your Monsoon workstations that print packing slips.
  1. You can view your packing slip customizations by adding the customized packing slip to Training Mode and printing orders.

Troubleshoot Your Packing Slip

If your packing slip fails to print and the order is set to Printed status in Monsoon, then there is a problem with your packing slip.

  1. Open your Packing Slip using your rtf editor, and try to print from there.
Note: Be sure to leave the tokens unchanged as you move them around.

For example:

You may move the ShippingHeader token to any location on your packing slip that you like.

You cannot change the token, itself — ShippingHeader must remain ShippingHeader, or the packing slip will not print correctly.

  1. Test print from your RTF editor.
  2. If you can now print the packing slip document successfully, re-test Monsoon by repeating steps 4, 5 and 6, above.

Import Export Templates

See Importing and exporting overview.


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