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Building and Managing Settings for FBA Distributions

You can use Monsoon Marketplace to automatically send an item to Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) for fulfillment or replenishment, or view or close shipments, in a way that is compliant with Amazon's guidelines. Before you begin, make sure that you have enabled FBA. (For more information about enabling FBA, see To enable FBA in Monsoon Marketplace.)

Building, Viewing, and Closing FBA Distributions

You can start building a distribution shipment plan through Monsoon Marketplace from either the My Inventory tab or the Inventory Receiving tab. (For instructions see, To send an item to FBA for replenishment using Monsoon Marketplace and To receive inventory to FBA using Monsoon Marketplace.) The shipment plan you receive from Amazon will show items going to one or more distribution centers.

Important: Your FBA working shipments that existed prior to the Monsoon Marketplace 4.26 release should migrate to the new FBA tools. However, this includes working shipments that you may have stopped using. Before you begin adding items to FBA shipments, you should close any shipments that you are not using, and that you do not want to migrate to the new system.

In the Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog, you can adjust the quantity to send and, if you have local inventory, you can specify whether to deduct the items from your local quantity.

If you have additional shipment origins, select the correct origin using the Shipment Origin drop-down menu. This value is used, in addition to prep type and fulfillment center, to determine whether an item can be added to an existing shipment or a new shipment needs to be created. (For more information about shipment origins, see FBA Shipment Origins.)

This dialog indicates prep type for the items being shipped, which includes the following types:

The shipment names use the following convention:

<Fulfillment Center ID>[-Prep Type Short Code]

<user name> <yyyy>/<mm>/<dd> <hh>:<mm>:<ss> <Fulfillment Center ID> <Prep Type Long Code>

For example, the following shipment name describes a shipment going to the Chattanooga fulfillment center and the items must be labeled:


admin 2015/04/01 18:14:23 CHA1 LBLD

Monsoon Marketplace also may display notifications to indicate the state of a given distribution shipment plan:

Icon Meaning
Accepting a plan associated with this icon creates a new shipment.
Accepting a plan associated with this icon will add the item to a shipment created by another user.
Accepting a plan associated with this icon will fill a shipment to capacity. This notification is also displayed for full shipments.
Important: The maximum number of SKUs that can be added to a shipment is 250, by default. However, this value can be changed on your behalf. To do so, contact Monsoon Support. When this value is changed, the new value will be applied to any currently open, as well as future shipments.

Managing Multiple Users for FBA Distributions

You can manage settings for enabling multiple users to work on FBA shipments using the options in the Settings tab for your Amazon home market. For instructions, see To enable multiple users to add to FBA shipments.

Note: Multiple Users settings will be applied periodically when the application settings are refreshed. To force the settings to be applied immediately, shut and then open the desktop application on each computer running Monsoon Marketplace.

Managing Print Settings and Printing FBA Labels

To automatically print labels for FBA distributions, you must have a compatible printer that is configured to print labels.

You can manage settings for printing labels for FBA shipments using the options in the Settings tab for your Amazon home market. You can opt to always print labels when Amazon requires them, or to never print labels. And, if needed, you can print labels later using the Print FBA Label menu item. For instructions, see To set whether FBA labels are printed when required by Amazon. For more information about preparing items to send to Amazon, see the Amazon website.

If you want to print fulfillment center information for your shipments on your labels, you should use 2" x 1" labels. When printing shipment labels, Monsoon Marketplace prints the first part of the label and then determines if there is enough room remaining to print the fulfillment center information too. (Because of this, if you use 2.25" x 0.75" labels, the fulfillment center information will not be printed.) For more information about configuring your printer to print labels of different sizes, see the printer manufacturer's instructions.

Note: FBA Label Printing settings will be applied periodically when the application settings are refreshed. To force the settings to be applied immediately, shut and then open the desktop application on each computer running Monsoon Marketplace.

Hiding or Showing the FBA Shipment Summary Screen

You can specify whether you want to show or hide the summary screen Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box after you accept a shipment plan using the options in the Settings tab for your Amazon home market. Depending on the workflow that you use to send items to FBA, you may find it helpful to show the summary screen so that you can refer to the plan, or hide the summary screen for efficiency. For instructions, see To show or hide the FBA shipment plan summary screen.

See also


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