You are here: Markets > Amazon > Fulfillment by Amazon > To send an item to FBA for replenishment using Monsoon Marketplace

To send an item to Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) for replenishment using Monsoon Marketplace

  1. On the My Inventory tab, click the SKU that you want to send to FBA.
  2. In the task bar, click the Shipment Options drop-down menu, and then click Send to FBA.
  3. In the Fulfillment Center Distribution <Item SKU> dialog box, in Send Quantity, type the number of items you want to send. (Monsoon Marketplace uses 1 by default.)
  4. If you have configured multiple shipment origins, in the Shipment Origin drop-down list, select the location that you want to use.
  5. If you want to use the inventory from your local warehouse, select the Deduct from local quantity checkbox.
  6. The dialog displays the proposed distribution. If you want to use this distribution, click Accept & Print or Accept.
  7. The dialog stays open and shows a summary for your reference while you pack items. When you want to close the dialog click Done.

Notes: The maximum number of SKUs that can be added to a shipment is 250, by default. However, this value can be changed on your behalf. To do so, contact Monsoon Support. When this value is changed, the new value will be applied to any currently open, as well as future shipments.

You can opt to hide the summary screen, if needed, to optimize your workflow. For instructions, see To show or hide the FBA shipment plan summary screen.

Whether you are offered the option to print or not depends on whether the SKU in the distribution is a type that needs to be labeled (indicated in the by Prep Type in the Fulfillment Center Distribution <Item SKU> dialog box) and your FBA Label Printing setting. For more information, see To set whether FBA labels are printed when required by Amazon.

Monsoon Marketplace displays user notifications to indicate the state of a given distribution shipment plan:

Icon Meaning
Accepting a plan associated with this icon creates a new shipment.
Accepting a plan associated with this icon will add the item to a shipment created by another user.
Accepting a plan associated with this icon will fill a shipment to capacity.

See also


You are here: Markets > Amazon > Fulfillment by Amazon > To send an item to FBA for replenishment using Monsoon Marketplace

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