You are here: Markets > Amazon > Fulfillment by Amazon > To enable or disable multiple users to add to FBA shipments

To enable or disable multiple users to add to Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) shipments

  1. On the Settings tab, in the left pane under Markets, click Amazon.
  2. In the right pane under Markets, click the Expand Expand arrow buttonbutton next to your home market—Amazon US for US sellers, Amazon UK for UK sellers.
  3. Click the Expand Expand arrow buttonbutton next to Fulfillment By Amazon.
  4. Under Multiple Users, select Users can add items to shipments created by other users (the default) or Users can only add items to shipments they create.
Note: Multiple Users settings will be applied periodically when the application settings are refreshed. To force the settings to be applied immediately, shut and then open the desktop application on each computer running Monsoon Marketplace.

See also


You are here: Markets > Amazon > Fulfillment by Amazon > To enable or disable multiple users to add to FBA shipments

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