You can control which items sell on eBay by creating listing rules. When an item matches a rule's criteria, Monsoon Marketplace uploads it for listing.
You can create custom listing rules for each of your markets using the criteria below. Customizing a rule means that you can define exactly which inventory or type of inventory you want to list for sale.
You can select which categories you want a rule to apply to. If you don't select a category, the rule applies to all categories.
You can select which conditions you want a rule to apply to. If you don't select a condition, the rule applies to all conditions.
Fulfillment Type
For markets that support both local and Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) listings, you can specify that you want a rule to apply to local inventory only or FBA inventory only. If you don't select a fulfillment type, the rule applies to both local and FBA inventory.
You can specify that a rule applies only to item with defined classifications and smart classifications.
You can specify that a rule applies only to items that are older or newer than a defined number of days. See Inventory Age and Days Since First Received.
Market Rank
You can specify that a rule applies only to items where the Collectible check box is selected.
You can specify that a rule applies only to items that weigh greater than or less than a certain number of pounds. For UK installations, the weight measurement is in kilograms.
You can specify that a rule applies only to items that have greater than a defined number of units in stock.
You can specify that a rule applies only to items that have a price greater than or less than a defined amount. When Monsoon Marketplace evaluates an item's listing eligibility, it considers the item's price not including any optional shipping surcharges.
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