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Important eBay deprecated on September 1, 2017. You can no longer sell on, and the marketplace will be removed from Monsoon after it is closed on October 31, 2017.

Getting started on, an eBay subsidiary, is simple. You only need to meet a few standard requirements before you can be up and running in Monsoon.



Market Prerequisites

To sell on, you will need to:

   Be a U.S. based seller

   Have (or create by clicking here) an account on

   Have (or create by clicking here) a Seller account

Additionally, you will need to enable in Monsoon before you can enable, even if you do not intend to sell on at this time. See below for instructions.


Note Your Account Settings

When you set up your Seller account, you will choose a user ID and password.

Make note of this information. Monsoon needs this data to upload inventory and download orders.


Remove All Pre-Monsoon Listings

During the course of connecting to your account, Monsoon will ask you to confirm that you have manually removed any listings you may have previously had on

Removing non-Monsoon listings must be done manually on your Seller Account

If you are already selling on, you must remove all the old listings you posted prior to using Monsoon. 

Leaving old items listed will lead to duplication, canceled orders and negative feedback.

Monsoon is not able to de-list any item that it has not previously uploaded; Monsoon cannot “see” these items.

If you do not manually remove your previous active listings, duplicate listings will result


Enable Your Market Connection

eBay and seller accounts are linked by the marketplace and share a single User ID and password. Before you enable in Monsoon, you first need to enable eBay.

After eBay is enabled, you can enable

 On the Settings tab under, click Enable Market.

If you're enabling eBay for the first time:

 and you don't want to create eBay listings while you're enabling, set your eBay listing cap to 0.

 and you never want to create eBay listings, you can disable eBay approximately 30 minutes after both markets are enabled. Waiting 30 minutes allows eBay time to authorize Monsoon to use your seller account.

Listing Criteria

You can control which items sell on which markets by creating listing rules. When an item matches a rule's criteria, Monsoon Marketplace uploads it for listing.

See Listing rule criteria.

Save Your Changes

When you are finished creating and configuring your Listing Criteria rules, click on OK to return to the main Settings page.

Market Note

Your Market Note will appear on every item you upload to this market.

Market Notes cannot be edited on individual items.




Category/Condition Notes

Category/Condition Notes will appear on each inventory item.



   You can create a different note can for every combination of Category and Condition.

   When you are satisfied with your market configuration, click on OK to save your settings.

Get Prices from ProProWarehouse.png

When this box is selected, Monsoon will attempt to retrieve competitive pricing data directly from for media categories.

In order to be considered for Get Prices From, items must have a standard product identifier (e.g., UPC, ISBN)... and, of course, competitive offers on the market.

Whenever Monsoon cannot find competitive pricing data for an item, it uses your Percent of Base Price.

Things to know when using Get Prices From eBay

   Only catalog items (i.e., pre-fill items) can be priced using price data from Competitive listings for non-catalog items — even if they display a standard product ID in their item description — cannot be assessed by Monsoon.

   If Monsoon cannot find a competitive Price for an item that it has not yet priced, it will use your Percent of Base Price.

   If an item was previously priced using Get Prices From but a competitive price is not available at the time the item is re-priced, then the price will be retained for that item.

   Get Prices From requires more processing time per item than the other sources Monsoon uses for pricing. In order to optimize performance, pricing runs less frequently than pricing on other markets. Items priced using Get Prices From will be re-priced less often on than on other markets.


Save Your Settings

Once you have set all of your Listing Criteria settings, Click on OK at the bottom of the screen to save your changes and Enable the Market.


Purging Inventory

Monsoon will now inform you that any existing Monsoon inventory listed on will be purged.

   You may ignore this if you have never listed items on using Monsoon.


Click OK to continue, or Cancel to back out of enabling this market.

   If you are not ready to purge and replace your listings, click Cancel to back out of enabling your connection at this time.

   Otherwise click OK. Monsoon will begin to upload your inventory to the market within the next hour.


pic60.png Shipping Rules

All shipping options for the market via handled on your Seller Account.

   There are currently no shipping options for available within Monsoon.


My Company Settings

Check to ensure that all Email templates are configured for the market and that all your My Company settings are filled in properly.

For more information, see Settings: My Company.

Processing and Refunding Orders Received from

See Processing orders.

Disabling Markets & Delisting Online Inventory

When a market connection is enabled, your inventory is uploaded and orders are downloaded.

Sometimes you may find that you need to disable a market or delist your listings.


Delisting a market should not be done lightly, especially if you have a large inventory.

It takes time to delist so you may not see your listings removed from the chosen market immediately. In some cases this process can take a significant of time.

It will take a similar amount of time to relist your inventory.


Disabling a Market Connection

When you disable a market connection, you are telling Monsoon to stop all communication with the market.

No further inventory is uploaded and no orders are downloaded starting the moment that you disable your market connection.


Delisting Inventory

When you delist your inventory without disabling your market connection, Monsoon will remove your listings, although orders will continue to download as they become available.

After delisting, Monsoon will be in delist mode for that market. This means that no inventory will be uploaded to the market until all of your listings have been removed and you click Relist.


How To Disable a Market Connection

1)Go to the Monsoon Settings tab and select the market you want to disable.

2)Click Disable Market.


3)Click OK. Listing and order communication is now stopped.


How To  Delist Inventory & Continue Downloading Orders

1)Go to the Monsoon Settings tab and select the market you want to delist.

2)Click Delist.

3)Confirm that you want to remove all of your listings from the specified market.

   Click OK to delist your inventory

   Click Cancel to leave your inventory listed online.

5)While Monsoon transmits your delisting request to the market, the Delist Inventory button shows that delisting is in progress.

Orders will continue to downloaded during delisting.

7)When Monsoon is ready to relist your inventory, the Delisting button will change to Relist.



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