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Order Column Definitions

The table below shows the columns that you can import in a default or custom template to add or modify orders through a data exchange. Columns that can be imported can also be exported in a default or custom template. For instructions, see To add an order import template.

For detailed information about which columns are required or recommended for adding a new order or modify an existing order, see the following sections in Importing Orders Overview:

When you import to add orders, your file should include required columns along with only those optional columns that are unique to the order such as Notes. When you import to modify orders, your file should include required columns along with only those columns that you want to modify.

Column header Label in the Monsoon desktop Definition

Import value

Example entry Can you add data during an add import? Can you modify data or use the data to identify an order during an import?

An import operator tells Monsoon Marketplace how to process inventory and order imports. For inventory, you can add a new SKU, decrease a SKU's quantity, modify an existing SKU, or update a SKU. For orders, you can add a new order or modify an existing order. For more information, see Import Operators.

Orders: a, m

a Required Required
ActualPostage Actual Postage

An order's actual postage cost.

The amount entered on the first order line item only imports and displays in the Actual Postage box

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. $6.95 No Yes


Address 1 The ship to street address. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. 520 NW Davis St. Required No


Address 2 The second line of the ship to street address. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Suite 300 Yes No
BuyerEmail Email The buyer's email address. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Yes No


Buyer Name The buyer's complete name (first and last). An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Shaun Wright Required No
BuyerPhoneNumber Buyer Phone Number The buyer's phone number. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 50 characters. 555-555-5555 Yes No
CarrierCode Carrier Code

The import code for an order's shipping carrier.

For a complete list of valid import codes, see Supported shipping carriers and import codes. USPS Yes Yes


City The ship to city. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Portland Required No
CostOfGoods Cost of goods The cost of goods value for an item at the time of the order. A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. $6.50 No No


Country The ship to country. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. USA Required No
IsMfnPrime When IsMfnPrime is set to True, the Amazon order item is Merchant Fulfilled Prime. When IsMfnPrime is set to False, the Amazon order item is either merchant fulfilled or Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) True, False True No No
InternalNotes Internal Notes The Internal Notes field allows you to add notes to an order that are only visible to Monsoon users and are not visible to buyers. For example, this could be used to add customer service notes. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 1000 characters. This item was refunded because it was not in stock. The item sold in our brick and mortar store before it could be removed from Yes


MarketName Market

The name of the market.

We recommend that you import MarketName when you modify an order if it's possible one or more of the markets you sell on could have the same MarketOrderId. When you import MarketName with MarketOrderId, Monsoon Marketplace can differentiate between the orders. If Monsoon Marketplace can't differentiate, order modifications in the import file will be rejected.

Valid import values are a data exchange market name or Abebooks, Alibris, AmazonMarketplaceCA, AmazonMarketplaceDE, AmazonMarketplaceFR, AmazonMarketplaceES, AmazonMarketplaceIT, AmazonMarketplaceUK, AmazonMarketplaceUS, Ebay, EbayUK, HalfDotCom,, and Walmart.

An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 25 characters. Winchester No


You can't change a market name, but you can import a market's name to differentiate between orders that have the same MarketOrderId.


Market Order Id

The unique identifier that a market assigns to an order.

An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 63 characters. 63310007 Required Required


Mkt Order Item Id

The unique identifier that a market assigns to an order line item.

If an order has multiple order line items for the same SKU and MarketOrderItemId is not included in the import file, Monsoon Marketplace imports the first line item and rejects the remaining order items as duplicates.

An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 63 characters. 38893516 Required when an order contains multiple line items for the same SKU. Required to identify the order item you want to modify when an order contains multiple line items for the same SKU.


Order Date The date and time an order is placed in the format Year-Month-Day Hour-Minute-Second. For time, Monsoon Marketplace use the 24-hour convention for time-keeping. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 2014-09-30 15:13:45 Required No
OrderNote Note A note that prints on an order's packing slip. For more information, see Processing orders. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Thanks for your order. Yes No


Ordered Qty

An item's ordered quantity.

A number between 0 and 32,767. 3 Required No



The status of an order.

When you import a new order using the a (add) operator, use New as the OrderStatus value. If you leave the column blank, Monsoon Marketplace automatically imports the order in New status.

For a modify file, the OrderStatus value can be Shipped or Cancelled. If you leave the OrderStatus column blank, you can only update ShippingTax, UserData, and NumericUserData.

If you import an OrderStatus of Shipped, but do not also import ShippedQuantity, Monsoon Marketplace moves the order status to Shipped and uses the Ordered Quantity number as the ShippedQuantity number.

If you import an OrderStatus of Shipped, but don't also import ShipDate, Monsoon Marketplace uses the import date.

Once the status of a data exchange order has been changed from New to Shipped or Cancelled, its status cannot be changed again.

OrderStatus values are not case sensitive.

New, Shipped, Cancelled Shipped Required


The OrderStatus column is always required in a modify file. If you want to make changes to an order, but aren't ready to update its status from New to Shipped or Cancelled, use the value New in your import file.


Postal Code The ship to postal code. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. 97209 Required No



A per-item price.

During import, Monsoon Marketplace multiplies the number in OrderedQuantity by the amount in Price. On the Orders tab, the calculated amount displays in Subtotal.

For example, if an order item has an OrderedQuantity of 5 and a Price of $4.50, then $22.50 displays in Subtotal.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 24.95 Required No
PromotionalPriceDiscount Market Promotional Discount

A fixed monetary amount.

During import, the amount in PromotionalPriceDiscount adds to the amount in PromotionalShippingDiscount. On the Orders tab, the total amount displays in the Market Promotional Discount box.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 5.00 Yes No
PromotionalShippingDiscount Market Promotional Discount

A fixed monetary amount.

During import, the amount in PromotionalPriceDiscount adds to the amount in PromotionalShippingDiscount. On the Orders tab, the total amount displays in the Market Promotional Discount box.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 4.95 Yes No
RefundAmount Refund Amount

The amount refunded for an order item in your home market currency.

During import, Monsoon Marketplace adds the amount entered for each order line item. On the Orders tab, the total amount displays in the Refund Amount box.

RefundAmount does not trigger a refund on the market, but is stored as an exportable value in the Monsoon Marketplace database.

If you import the RefundAmount column header, you must also import the OrderStatus header. If an order is in New status, you can import a status of Shipped or Cancelled. If an order is already in Shipped or Cancelled status, you must import the matching status: Shipped or Cancelled.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 12.95 No Yes
ReturnUnshippedQuantity Return Unshipped Quantity When ReturnUnshippedQuantity is set to True, it will return the unshipped quantity to the sku and locator. When ReturnUnshippedQuantity is set to False, it will not return quantity to the sku and locator. True, False True Yes Yes
ShipDate Ship Date

The order's ship date and time stamp in the format Year-Month-Day Hour-Minute-Second. For time, use the 24-hour convention for time-keeping.

The date and time entered on the first order line item imports and displays on the Orders tab in the Ship Date box. If you import the OrderStatus column with a value of Shipped, but do not import the ShipDate column header, Monsoon Marketplace uses the date and time of the import.

The value in ShipDate must be later than the value in OrderDate.

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 2014-09-30 15:20:05 No Yes


Shipping Fee

A per-item shipping fee.

During import, Monsoon Marketplace multiplies the number in OrderedQuantity by the monetary amount in ShippingFee. On the Orders tab, the calculated amount displays in Shipping Fee.

For example, if an order item has an OrderedQuantity of 5 and a ShippingFee of $1.25, then $6.25 displays in Shipping Fee.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 4.95 Required No


Shipping Method

The order's shipping method.

Economy, Standard, Expedited, One Day, Two Day, International, Expedited International

ShipMethod values are not case sensitive.

Standard Required No
ShippedQuantity Shipped Qty

The quantity you shipped.

If you import the OrderStatus column header with a value of Shipped, but don't also import ShippedQuantity, Monsoon Marketplace moves the order status to Shipped and uses the Ordered Quantity number as the ShippedQuantity number.

If you import the OrderStatus column header with a value of Cancelled, but don't also import ShippedQuantity, Monsoon Marketplace moves the order status to Cancelled and uses 0 (zero) as the ShippedQuantity number.

ShippedQuantity can't be modified for FBA order items or be larger than OrderedQuantity.

A number between 0 and 32,767. 3 No Yes


Ship To Name The complete ship to name (first and last). An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. Shaun Wright Required No
ShipToPhoneNumber Ship To Phone Number The ship to phone number can be imported and exported, and stored when available for eBay US and eBay UK orders. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 50. 555-555-5555 Yes No
ShippingTax Shipping Tax

A per-item amount in your home market currency.

During import, Monsoon Marketplace multiplies the number in OrderedQuantity by the amount in ShippingTax. On the Orders tab, the total displays in the Shipping Tax box.

For example, if an order item has an OrderedQuantity of 5 and an imported ShippingTax of $1.20, then the total of $6.00 displays.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 1.20 Yes Yes



The unique identifier for an item that exists in your Monsoon Marketplace inventory.

If a SKU doesn't exist in your Monsoon Marketplace inventory, the order item can't be imported and an error file is created with the following message: Invalid column 'SKU'. Received order with unknown SKU ' '.You must process that portion of the order outside of the Monsoon Desktop.

An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 63 characters. ABC123 Required Required
State State The state where the item is being shipped. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 255 characters. OR Yes No
Tax Tax

A per-item amount in your home market currency.

During import, Monsoon Marketplace multiplies the number in OrderedQuantity by the amount in Tax. On the Orders tab, the total displays in the Tax box.

For example, if an order item has an OrderedQuantity of 5 and a Tax of $1.25, then the total of $6.25 displays.

A number with a maximum of 7 digits to the left of the decimal point and 2 digits to the right. 1.25 Yes Yes
TrackingNumber Tracking Number An order's shipment tracking number. An alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 63 characters. 1Z 999 AA1 01 2345 6784 No Yes

See also


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