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Listing FBA Items for Multi-Channel Fulfillment

Monsoon Marketplace regularly checks for changes in Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)-fulfillable quantity. When Amazon reports to Monsoon Marketplace that FBA-fulfillable quantity is available, the items are eligible to list on your multi-channel markets.

FBA inventory has listing priority on most multi-channel markets. If a SKU has both local and FBA inventory, FBA inventory is always listed. eBay is the exception to this listing behavior. Because eBay charges a listing fee, if you have a local SKU listed on eBay, and then add FBA inventory to that SKU, Monsoon Marketplace will wait for your local listing to expire or sell out before listing the FBA SKU. (For more information about listing, see Listing priority and SKU consolidation. )

Listing on and Items are uploaded to and when Amazon reports to Monsoon Marketplace that FBA-fulfillable quantity is available. Listings are created using the listing rules you have defined for each of your multi-channel markets. (For more information, see eBay listing rule overview.)

Listing on Items are uploaded to when Amazon reports to Monsoon Marketplace that FBA-fulfillable quantity is available. Listings are created using the listing rules you have defined for each of your multi-channel markets.For more information, see Listing on

Listing on Unlike eBay and, you must enable Monsoon Marketplace to list FBA inventory on Alibris separately. Once your FBA items successfully list on Alibris, Multi-Channel Fulfillment follows the same process as for other multi-channel markets.

For more information about listing on, see Multi-Channel Fulfillment for Alibris.

Note: The speed at which Monsoon Marketplace creates new multi-channel listings depends on the size of your inventory, the number of items you have listed on the multi-channel market, and the speed of your primary Monsoon Marketplace server and your Internet connection.

See also


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