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Receiving Both Local and FBA Inventory

You can use Monsoon Marketplace to receive both local and Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) inventory. Monsoon Marketplace creates sub-SKUs to differentiate between local and FBA inventory and to list both local and FBA items on Amazon simultaneously. (For details about how Monsoon Marketplace creates sub-SKUs, see Inventory Receiving.)

In order to efficiently receive local and FBA items, you should set up inventory groups and pricing strategies  to ensure the FBA and local items are priced correctly. If you want to list FBA on some markets and not on other markets, you can also create market-specific listing rules.

Pricing strategies: Set up a Custom Pricing Strategy for FBA items to account for costs related to shipping and Amazon fees. For instructions, see Custom pricing strategies).

Inventory groups: You can distinguish your inventory groups based on the fulfillment type of the items--FBA or local. You can then apply a pricing strategy, cost of goods, and other pricing rules to each group. For instructions, see To add an inventory pricing group.

Listing rules: You can change your market listing rules to indicate whether FBA items should list on a particular market. Select Fulfillment Type Local or Fulfillment Type FBA when creating a new rule. If you want both FBA and local items to list on all supported markets, you do not need to take any action.

See also


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