You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To add an Amazon category and condition note

To add an Amazon category and condition note

You can add a custom note to an Amazon listing based on the item's condition and product category.


  1. Under Markets, click the Expand Expand arrow buttonbutton for the market you want to add a note to.
  2. Click the Expand Expand Arrow buttonbutton next to Notes, and then click Add Category/Condition Note.
  3. In the Category list, select a category.
  4. In the Condition list, select a condition.
  5. Type a note in the text box, and then click OK. The market note now applies to all listings for this category and condition combination.
Note  You can add up to four note types to each Amazon listing. Notes upload in the following order until the consolidated note size reaches Amazon's 1000-character limit: item note, classification note, note by category and condition, and the default market note.

See also

Amazon market notes


You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To add an Amazon category and condition note

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