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eBay listing limit

When eBay places a selling limit on your account, you can set a maximum listing quantity per SKU to help you list the greatest number of unique SKUs.eBay US and eBay UK can place limits on your account or on a particular category that you sell until you confirm certain account information or establish a positive selling history.

The three types of eBay selling limits are:

When eBay limits your account to a certain number of sold items, gross merchandise volume, or active items for sale, you can list the greatest number of unique SKUs by setting a maximum listing quantity per SKU. Rather than listing all quantity of every SKU until you reach your account limit, Monsoon Marketplace can list up to a certain quantity per SKU.

To learn more about how eBay sets selling limits, see the following eBay seller Help articles:

Turn on an eBay listing limit

You can add a listing limit to a new or existing listing strategy then turn it on by selecting the strategy in a listing rule.

To turn on an eBay listing limit

  1. On the Settings tab, in the left pane under Markets, expend the eBay market that you want to use, and then click Listing Strategies.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Under Listing Limit, select the List a maximum quantity [__] per SKU check box, enter a maximum quantity, then click OK.
  4. Select the listing strategy in a listing rule.

When you select a listing strategy with a listing limit, Monsoon Marketplace will:

Caution  When a listing sells out on eBay (its quantity drops to 0), Monsoon Marketplace automatically delists the item. Each time the item relists on eBay US, you'll be charged an insertion fee. If you're concerned about insertion fees, set your listing limit high enough to avoid frequent delisting and relisting.

FBA reserve quantity

If your listing rules are set up with FBA reserve quantities, Monsoon Marketplace applies an eBay listing limit after it subtracts the reserve quantity from your total available quantity. (For more information about FBA reserve quantities, see Managing Inventory for FBA.)

For example, if an item belongs to a listing rule where 5 is set as the FBA reserve quantity and the rule's listing strategy has a limit of 30, then, when the item has a quantity on hand of 50, Monsoon Marketplace calculates available quantity as follows:

If the item has a quantity on hand of 30. Monsoon Marketplace will calculate the listing quantity as follows:

See also

eBay listing rule overview


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