You are here: Markets > eBay > List eBay inventory > Listing items on eBay outside of Monsoon

Listing items on eBay outside of Monsoon Marketplace

After you enable an eBay seller account in Monsoon Marketplace, you should never list items outside of Monsoon Marketplace using the same eBay seller account.


If you list items directly on eBay using the same seller account that's enabled in Monsoon Marketplace, your Monsoon Marketplace inventory won't synchronize with your eBay listings.

To keep your inventory synchronized, use a different eBay seller account to list any items outside of Monsoon Marketplace.

Note  If a customer places an order for a SKU that's listed outside of Monsoon Marketplace using the same seller account that's enabled in Monsoon Marketplace, your system will attempt to download the order. If a matching SKU is found in Monsoon Marketplace, your system will download the order. If a matching SKU isn't found, your system won't download the order and displays a message on the Event Viewer tab.

See also

eBay Listing Synchronization overview


You are here: Markets > eBay > List eBay inventory > Listing items on eBay outside of Monsoon

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