You are here: Pricing inventory > Default price

Default price

You can set up a default price to use when you receive an item for the first time and no competitive listing, market listing, or MSRP is found.


Default price is the price you want to use when no pricing information is available from Amazon the first time you receive an item. An item prices using a default price when all three of the following are true:

The first time an item uses a default price during receiving, the following message displays in the Recent Pricing History dialog box:

If pricing information is still unavailable when the item reprices, the message changes to:

When an item has an existing price and no competitive listing, market listing, or MSRP is available during repricing, its price is left unchanged.

Consistent with other settings that can be set at both the item level and group level, a default price set at the item level overrides a default price set at the group level.

See also

Pricing overview

To see how an item priced (view pricing history)


You are here: Pricing inventory > Default price

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