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When eBay Listing Synchronization removes a duplicate or abandoned listing

When a duplicate or abandoned listing is created on eBay as a result of interrupted communication or incorrect market information, that listing is identified and removed by eBay Listing Synchronization.


When a SKU is matched to an active eBay listing during nightly synchronization, any other listing for the SKU on eBay is identified as an abandoned or duplicate listing and is removed.

The following is an example of how a duplicate listing can be created as a result of marketplace communication and then removed by eBay Listing Synchronization to keep your seller account in good standing with eBay's duplicate listings policy for fixed price listings.

  1. SKU mon0000000021 is listed on eBay with eBay item number 1111111111.
  2. During the SKU's eBay listing duration, you change the SKU's quantity in Monsoon Marketplace, either by an inventory file import or manually on the My Inventory tab.

  1. Monsoon Marketplace sends the SKU's quantity revision to eBay.
  2. eBay sends back information that SKU mon0000000021 / eBay item number 1111111111 is not listed.
  3. Monsoon Marketplace sends a new listing for SKU mon0000000021 to eBay.
  4. SKU mon0000000021 successfully lists on eBay with a new eBay item number 8888888888.
  5. eBay synchronization identifies SKU mon0000000021 / eBay item number 1111111111 as a duplicate abandoned listing and removes the listing.

In the example above, even though SKU mon0000000021 / eBay item number 1111111111 was actually listed on eBay, eBay did not confirm that the listing existed. Synchronization then identified the listing as abandoned or duplicate and removed it from eBay.

See also

eBay Listing Synchronization overview


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