You are here: Markets > eBay > List eBay inventory > To add an eBay listing rule

To add an eBay listing rule

You can create rules for listing your inventory on eBay on the Settings tab under eBay Listing Rules.


  1. On the Settings tab, under eBay, click Listing Rules, and then click Add Listing Rule.
  2. Click the Expand Expand arrow buttonbutton for each set of criteria, select the criteria that define your inventory group, and then click OK.

ebay inventory group criteria editor

  1. In the rule summary, click in the Maximum Concurrent Listings box, and then type the maximum number of SKUs you want to list on eBay at any one time under the listing rule.

eBay listing rules list

Tip    Because eBay charges for every listing, when you first create or make changes to a listing rule, limit your maximum concurrent listings to a small number. After your items list, review your listings to be certain you are satisfied with how they look before increasing your number of maximum concurrent listings.
  1. Select an eBay US or eBay UK listing strategy.

eBay listing rule strategy

Note  You can determine whether the total number of SKUs that meet a rule's criteria is greater or less than the number of maximum concurrent listings by clicking Display Item Count. The number that displays is a count of all SKUs, both listed and not listed, that meet the rule's criteria. To get an accurate count of SKUs, make sure that your most specific rule is at the top and that each listing rule is unique, so that no SKUs meet the criteria of more than one listing rule.
  1. (Optional) If you sell FBA items on eBay, you can click in the Reserve FBA Qty box and type the quantity you want to hold back from listing on eBay. This quantity is held back for each SKU in the inventory group.
  1. Click OK.

See also

eBay listing limit

eBay listing rule criteria

eBay listing rule overview


You are here: Markets > eBay > List eBay inventory > To add an eBay listing rule

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