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Managing FBA Orders on Amazon

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders are picked, packed, and shipped at Amazon fulfillment centers. Your FBA order reports download to Monsoon Marketplace and are viewable on your Orders tab for your information only.

You do not need to process the FBA orders on your Orders tab and it is not possible to cancel an FBA order received from Amazon in Monsoon Marketplace.

FBA and non-FBA combined orders

If you are listing both FBA and merchant-fulfilled inventory on Amazon, you will not receive an order that includes both FBA and non-FBA items. Instead:

Customer service and refunds

All customer service for FBA orders is provided directly by Amazon Customer Service.

Amazon processes all refunds for FBA orders placed directly through

Note All customer service for multi-channel FBA orders (orders placed on a non-Amazon site and fulfilled using FBA) is provided by you, the seller. For more information, see Managing Multi-Channel FBA Shipments.

See also


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