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Understanding FBA Quantity vs. Local Quantity

You can see all inventory quantities for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)-related quantities and local quantities on the My Inventory tab. These inventory quantities are often dependant upon the status of the FBA shipment in which they have been (or have not been) included:

Quantity: The total quantity for a given SKU. Quantity includes both Local and FBA quantities. FBA working quantity is not included here.

FBA Quantity: The total quantity of a given SKU that has been received by Amazon and is available for sale. This value can be viewed in the Locator Codes/Quantity Editor dialog box by clicking the Qty ellipsis button.

Local Quantity: The total quantity of non-FBA inventory for a given SKU. This value can be viewed in the Locator Codes/Quantity Editor dialog box by clicking the Qty ellipsis button.

FBA Working Quantity: The FBA quantity which is attached to a shipment, but not yet sent. Working quantity is visible on the Item Details screen (as a total of all working quantity for that SKU) and also on the FBA Shipment Quantities screen (displayed as Shipment Quantity per shipment where no items have yet been received for that shipment).

Important: If you adjust FBA Working Qty in Monsoon Marketplace for an item that is in a shipment, this will also adjust the quantity for that shipment on the Amazon website. Use caution when doing this because it is possible to become out of compliance with Amazon’s policy, which limits a change in quantity for an item in a shipment to + or – 5% or 6 items, whichever is greater. For more information about Amazon’s policy, see the Amazon website.

Quantity on Hand: The total quantity for a specific Product ID. Quantity on hand includes working quantities for all FBA items with that same product ID.

Shipment Quantity: The quantity of a specific SKU included in a specific FBA shipment.This value can be viewed in the FBA Shipment Quantities dialog box by clicking the FBA Working Qty ellipsis button.

Quantity Received: The quantity of a SKU received by Amazon within a particular shipment. This value can be viewed in the FBA Shipment Quantities dialog box by clicking the FBA Working Qty ellipsis button.

Fulfillable Quantity: The FBA quantity available for sale on your Amazon listing. This value can be viewed as the FBA Locator Quantity.

In addition, another quantity is Reserve FBA Quantity, a buffer quantity held back from listing in non-Amazon markets where FBA fulfillable merchandise may be listed. This value can be configured on the Settings tab for the Amazon, eBay, and Half markets. For more information, see Using Reserve FBA Quantity.

See also


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