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Using Reserve FBA Quantity

It is possible to sell out of a Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) item at Amazon before an inventory update is sent to Monsoon Marketplace. Rarely, this discrepancy can result in a duplicate sale on a multi-channel market which will then create a Problem order in Monsoon Marketplace. For the eBay and Half markets, a way to buffer FBA inventory for so that it does not sell out on a multi-channel market is to specify a reserve FBA quantity.

In Monsoon Marketplace, Reserve FBA Qty is a buffer quantity subtracted from the available quantity of an FBA-fulfillable item at the time it lists. For example, if you have a fulfillable quantity of 8 units for an item and specify a Reserve FBA Qty of 5 units on eBay, then only 3 units will be listed on eBay. This value is configured for these markets on the Settings tab, as part of the market-specific settings.

Reserve FBA quantity column in listing rule

In addition:

See also


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