You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To turn on Amazon gift messaging

To turn on Amazon gift messaging

After you set up the Gift Messaging option on your Amazon Seller Central account, you can turn on gift messaging in Monsoon.


First, set up the Gift Messaging option on your Amazon seller account.

From Amazon Help:

  1. On the Settings tab, select Gift Options.
  2. Click Edit for Gift Messaging Service.
  3. Select Enabled for Individual Order Items, and click Continue.
  4. For Maximum Gift Message Length, enter 255 characters (the maximum number of characters supported by Amazon).
  5. For Maximum Lines in Gift Message, enter 10 lines (the maximum number of lines supported by Amazon).
  6. Click Submit to save your settings.

After Gift Messaging is configured on your Amazon seller account, Monsoon detects that you've turned it on, updates your listings with the option, and displays gift messages on your packing slips.

Important  The Gift Messaging option must be enabled on your Amazon Seller Central account before gift messages will display on your Monsoon packing slips.

See also

Amazon US Additional Settings


You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To turn on Amazon gift messaging

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