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Amazon Variation Relationships in Monsoon Marketplace

You can create parent/child relationships on Amazon for similar products that vary according to defined variation themes, such as color and size. This relationship is not currently maintained by Monsoon Marketplace. However, when you manually receive a parent ASIN on the Inventory Receiving tab, Monsoon Marketplace displays a list of child ASINs, or variations, when catalog data is available from Amazon. You can select the child ASIN that is the correct match for your product, and then receive the item.

Monsoon Marketplace can successfully list an item under a child ASIN, but does not currently maintain the parent/child relationship that was created on the market. And if you make a change to a parent ASIN in the Amazon catalog, that change is not communicated to a child ASIN in Monsoon Marketplace.

For more information about working with variations in Monsoon Marketplace, see Receiving inventory on the Inventory Receiving tab.

For more information about creating variations on Amazon, see the Amazon website.

See also:


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