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Keyboard Shortcuts for Monsoon Marketplace

Monsoon Marketplace provides keyboard shortcuts for performing commands and navigating through screens and tabs.

Location Keystroke Action Result
My Inventory tab CTRL+A Selects all inventory items for editing.
My Inventory tab ALT+A De-selects all inventory items except the one you had selected previously.
My Inventory tab F8 Selected inventory is sent to FBA distribution.
Inventory Receiving tab F4 Rejects the selected SKU so that it is not added to your inventory.
Inventory Receiving tab F2 Accepts or gets the distribution for the selected SKU.
My Inventory, Inventory Receiving tabs CTRL+F Starts a search for the keyword in the Search or Search US data for boxes.
My Inventory, Orders tabs CTRL+P Moves to the previous page of SKUs or orders.
My Inventory, Orders tabs CTRL+N Moves to the next page of SKUs or orders.
Orders tab CTRL+A Selects all orders for editing.
Reports tab CTRL+P Prints the displayed report.
Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box TAB Moves cursor to the next editable field or button.
Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box ENTER Selects the Accept & Print, Accept, or Done button, depending on where you are in the FBA process.
Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box ESC Closes the dialog box without accepting the distribution.
Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box in the Send Quantity text box UP ARROW Increases the quantity to send.
Fulfillment Center Distribution dialog box in the Send Quantity text box DOWN ARROW Decreases the quantity to send.
Throughout F1 Launches Webhelp to a topic applicable to the location you are at in Monsoon Marketplace, if available.
Throughout CTRL+C Copies highlighted text to the clipboard.
Throughout CTRL+V Pastes copied text from the clipboard to the position where the cursor is.
Throughout CTRL+X Cuts highlighted text and copies it to the clipboard.
Throughout CTRL+Z Undoes the last action.
Throughout F10 Selects the File menu when pressed once. De-selects the File menu when pressed a second time.
Throughout CTRL+TAB Moves to the next tab.


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