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To exclude a region or country from eBay international shipping

You can exclude a region or country as an international shipping destination on the Settings tab under eBay Shipping Rules.

  1. On the Settings tab, in the left pane under Markets, expand eBay UK, and then click Shipping Rules.
  2. Click a shipping rule where the eBay International: Variable Delivery (or eBay UK International: Variable Delivery) check box is selected.
  3. Select the check box of any region or country you do not want to ship to, and then click OK.

Although you exclude a region, you can include specific countries within that region.

For example, if you want to exclude Asia, but want to include China, select Asia, and then click the plus sign (+) to expand all countries under Asia. Clear the China check box, and then click OK.

eBay shipping exclude country

Note  A best practice when creating your international shipping rules is to be consistent. If you exclude a region or country, do not set a shipping rate for that same region or country. If you set a shipping rate for an excluded region or country, your specified shipping rate will display on eBay, but a buyer with a shipping address in the excluded region or country will not be able to purchase.

See also


You are here: Markets > eBay > List eBay inventory > To exclude a region or country from eBay international shipping

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