You are here: Listing Inventory > To add or revise a product image

To add or revise a product image

You can upload a product's primary image when you create a listing on eBay US and eBay UK, or when you create a product on your Amazon US Seller Central account. You can also revise product images for existing listings on eBay US, eBay UK, and Seller Central-type accounts for Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Amazon CA.

Note  For detailed information about image requirements, market resources, and image upload notes specific to AbeBooks, Alibris, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon CA, Amazon DE, Amazon ES, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, eBay US, eBay UK,, and, see Product Image Requirements by Market.
  1. Either on the Inventory Receiving or My Inventory tab, highlight the item you want to add images for, and then in the item details, next to Images, click Click here to edit.
  2. In the Upload Product Images dialog box, you can either click an image ellipsis button to browse to and select the image you want to upload or you can enter an image's URL.

    Supported image file formats are JPG, PNG, GIF, and TIF. Monsoon offers free upload and hosting for images with a minimum size of 500 pixels on the longest side and a maximum size of 1024 KB. If an image doesn't meet size requirements, you'll be alerted by an error icon. (Hover over the icon to see the size requirement error message.) Before you can save, you will need to change any images that receive the error.

  3. When your image is hosted by another service, enter and upload the image's complete URL (such as
  4. Click Save.

When uploading to eBay:

Note  Images in Monsoon Marketplace are tied to a product, not to a particular SKU. When you add or change a SKU's image in Monsoon Marketplace, that image is added or changed for all new and used condition Monsoon Marketplace SKUs associated with that product.

When a product has multiple SKUs, Monsoon Marketplace uses the most recently added or changed image in the Image 1 field (the primary product image for eBay and Amazon) for all of the product's SKUs.

When uploading to Amazon US, Image 1 through Image 9 upload after you create the product detail page directly on Amazon.

See also


You are here: Listing Inventory > To add or revise a product image

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