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Troubleshooting FNSKU Issues

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) enables merchants to store inventory and fulfill orders from Amazon fulfillment centers. When you get an order, Amazon picks, packs, and sends your merchandise to your customers. Amazon applies an FBA SKU to items that are sold via FBA: the FNSKU.

FNSKU's are applied uniquely to each combination of ASIN and condition.

Amazon normally allows only one ASIN/condition/FNSKU mapping for each SKU that is fulfilled by Amazon. This means that if you have an FBA item listed, and you change the condition of it, you will get an FNSKU error. If you send the same ASIN with a different SKU and condition, it will be considered a different FNSKU. And, if you try to receive the same ASIN/condition into a shipment from another SKU, you will receive an FNSKU error because that ASIN/condition combination is mapped to another FNSKU.

See also


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