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Listing FBA Inventory

You can list both Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and local inventory of a single SKU on Amazon at the same time.

When you receive a SKU into inventory, suffixes are assigned to that SKU to distinguish between local and FBA inventory. These suffixes create what are called decorated SKUs or sub-SKUs and allow both local and FBA inventory of the SKU to list on Amazon.

For example, if you receive three of one SKU into local inventory then three of that same SKU into an FBA shipment, the SKUs look like:

Both your FBA sub-SKU and local sub-SKU can list on Amazon at the same time. This feature is available for Amazon only as other markets do not currently support sub-SKU listings. (You can view sub-SKU information on the My Inventory tab, by clicking the My Price or the Status button.)

Note Sub-SKUs are applied to an item when you receive it into inventory. Sub-SKUs allow both local and FBA inventory of a main SKU to list on Amazon at the same time.

_loc suffix applies to local inventory

_usf suffix applies to US FBA inventory (Monsoon Marketplace US installations only)

_ukf suffix applies to UK FBA inventory (Monsoon Marketplace UK installation only)

See also


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