You are here: Markets > Amazon > List Amazon inventory > To raise or lower priority of an Amazon shipping rule

To raise or lower priority of an Amazon shipping rule

Change the priority of a shipping rule by changing its position in your list of shipping rules.


Note  The Raise Priority Raise shipping rule priority arrowarrow and Lower PriorityLower shipping rule priority button arrow display if you have two or more rules in addition to the Default (All Inventory) rule.
  1. Under Markets, click the Expand Expand arrow buttonbutton for the market you want to modify, and then lick the Expand Expand Arrow buttonbutton next to Shipping Rules.
  2. Click the Raise PriorityRaise shipping rule priority arrowarrow to move a rule up and the Lower PriorityLower shipping rule priority buttonarrow to move a rule down
  3. Change your rule priority, and then click OK.


You are here: Markets > Amazon > List Amazon inventory > To raise or lower priority of an Amazon shipping rule

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