You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To add an Amazon US, CA, or EU marketplace

To add an Amazon US, CA, or EU marketplace

You can add an Amazon marketplace in the Amazon section of the Settings tab.

Add a marketplace

  1. Go to Settings > Amazon
  2. Click Sell on an Amazon marketplace. If the Sell on an Amazon marketplace button is disabled, then you're already selling on all of the Amazon marketplaces supported.
  3. Select the Amazon marketplace that you'd like to start selling on.
  4. Click Authorize.
  5. Log in to your Amazon seller account and follow the instructions.
  6. Copy the Seller ID provided by Amazon and paste it into the Seller ID: field.
  7. Copy the MWS Auth Token provided by Amazon and paste it into the MWS Auth Token: field.
  8. Click Add marketplace.
  9. Click OK.


You are here: Markets > Amazon > Amazon account and market settings overview > To add an Amazon US, CA, or EU marketplace

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